Coronation World Book Day 2024

For the love of reading: To celebrate World Book Day, Coronation and NGO Ladles of Love teamed up to provide children in need with nourishing meals and their very own books. Pictured here are Coronation Fund Managers’ board member Althea Conrad and chairperson professor Alex Watson who joined in the fun with children from Little Star Edu Care Centre in Khayelitsha. Today’s celebrations are part of a bigger campaign to supply books and meals to learners and teachers at over 55 early childhood development centres around South Africa.
From left to right-Siwongiwe Mpompa (4yrs), Kamvelihle Ngalo(5yrs) Olipha Ngoro (5yrs). Image by Jurie Senekal
From left to right-Siwongiwe Mpompa (4yrs), Kamvelihle Ngalo(5yrs) Olipha Ngoro (5yrs). Image by Jurie Senekal

Nourishing minds: To celebrate World Book Day, Coronation Fund Managers and Ladles of Love provided a nourishing meal and their own storybooks to these eager learners from the Little Star early childhood development centre in Khayelitsha, as part of a greater campaign to supply books to over 55 additional early childhood development centres around South Africa.

From left to right-Siwongiwe Mpompa (4yrs), Kamvelihle Ngalo(5yrs) Olipha Ngoro (5yrs). Image by Jurie Senekal
From left to right-Siwongiwe Mpompa (4yrs), Kamvelihle Ngalo(5yrs) Olipha Ngoro (5yrs). Image by Jurie Senekal
As one of the largest independent fund managers in South Africa, Coronation invests the long-term savings of millions of South Africans.

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