Cases of rubella spike countrywide while diphtheria hits Western Cape

The National Department of Health has confirmed a surge in seasonal rubella cases in South Africa, with 10,137 positive cases identified between January and November 2024. Rubella is a mild, contagious viral infection best known for its distinctive red rash.
Image source: aleksandrfinch –
Image source: aleksandrfinch –

The department stated that more than 90% of the cases occurred in children under 15, with only one patient over the age of 50. It added that if children are not vaccinated against rubella, and never come into contact with the virus through natural infection, children will remain susceptible to it.

Western Cape diphtheria cases

Byron la Hoe, spokesperson for the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness, told Daily Maverick that between 25 November and 18 December, five laboratory-confirmed cases of diphtheria were identified in areas of the Cape Metro District, including Philippi, Lotus River, Athlone and a local correctional facility. All patients are between the ages of 28 and 34. There has been one death as a result of the disease.

Read the full article on Daily Maverick here.

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