Paul Makube
Paul Makube is Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB.
Agribusiness Despite lower Mpumalanga yields, overall harvest outlook still impressivePaul Makube 26 Jun 2020 Agribusiness Another relief for the agri sector after a 50 basis points cut in the repo ratePaul Makube 22 May 2020 Agribusiness Harvest outlook impressive and raises hope agriculture sector reboundPaul Makube 4 May 2020 Agribusiness Further relief for the agri sector after SARB's surprise repo rate cutPaul Makube 15 Apr 2020 Agribusiness Massive fuel drop helps offset cost pressures for the agriculture sectorPaul Makube 1 Apr 2020 Agro-processing Crop estimates still positive but not enough to lift agriculture GDP in the near termPaul Makube 27 Mar 2019 Agribusiness Deteriorating fuel prices to hit consumers, farmers' profit marginsPaul Makube 2 May 2018 |