72: A solution to the divide between Business and IT | Biz Takeouts Podcast










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[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 72: A solution to the divide between Business and IT

Last week on Biz Takeouts, the Marketing & Media radio show, we looked at a solution to the divide between Business and IT. We also chat about the upcoming Digital Edge Live event in Johannesburg. Get all the information by listening to this week's podcast of the Biz Takeouts Marketing & Media radio show, which airs every Thursday 9am-10am streamed live via 2oceansVibe Radio. [twitterfall]
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 72: A solution to the divide between Business and IT


In studio on Thursday, 26 Septmeber 2013, we hosted Chris Welham (@cjwelham), director of Space Age Technologies (@SpaceAgeIT). We looked at a newly developed product and framework called Relevant IT (@RelevantIT) which aims to close the divide between IT and the rest of the business units within SMME companies.

We also talked to Jason Xenepolous, (@JasonXenopoulos), CEO of NATIVE (@native) Cape Town about the upcoming Digital Edge Live event, happening in Johannesburg on 3 October 2013. We spoke about the guest speakers and what can be expected at the event as well as why Nedbank got involved.

GIVE AWAY: We have 2 tickets to give away to the Digital Edge Live event, which is now sold out. If you want to win tweet @bizcomwazza and tell him why you want the tickets and include #biztakeouts.

The news roundup covered:


If you missed the show, download (47MB) or listen to the podcast (48:09 minutes).

Episode 72: A solution to the divide between Business and IT

Date: 26 September 2013 Length: 48:09min File size: 47MB Host: Warren Harding

[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 72: A solution to the divide between Business and IT

Bizcommunity.com's Biz Takeouts Marketing & Media Show takes South Africa's biggest online marketing, media and ad industry platform to the airwaves and gives relevant, useful and interesting insights into all aspects of marketing in SA, Africa and beyond. Each week, the show features the movers and the shakers of the industry, current media trends, upcoming events and brand activities.

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