Attendees at the Skills Development Workshop at COHSASA HQ in Cape Town.
The workshops have been well attended by healthcare staff from facilities who want to improve their practical skills in implementing quality improvement projects and processes at their healthcare facilities.
Feedback from attendees at the Skills Development Workshops have been extremely positive. Said one, "When people tell you to do a root cause analysis, you often have no idea what to do. After attending the COHSASA workshop, I knew exactly what was needed and how to go about it!"
The success of the workshops means they will continue into 2016.
Says Dr Katrin Kleijnhans, COHSASA's Professional Development Co-coordinator, "We want to ensure that the way we structure our workshops provides maximum benefit to those that attend. So, we would like to know from future clients what topics they would like to cover."
If you are interested in attending the upcoming workshops in 2016 (dates will be circulated at a later stage), please indicate your preferences so that we can tailor the workshops to suit your needs.
All suggestions welcome. Please email az.oc.asashoc@nirtak.
Topics in 2015 included the following:
Day 1 General Quality Principles and Tools
- Introduction to and History of Quality Management
- Healthcare Quality Today
- System and organisational aspects of quality and safety
- A spectrum of approaches and methods to Quality Improvement: people, materials and methods
- Quality Improvement Models
- Quality Improvement Tools and Techniques
- Collecting, presenting and analysing data and information
Day 2 Risk Management
- Monitoring and reporting systems to measure and reduce risk and improve quality
- Risk Assessment principles and methodology
- Incident reporting and adverse event management
- Clinical indicators and clinical audits
Day 3 Root Cause Analysis
- Root Cause Analysis - a quality improvement essential tool
Upcoming workshop Modules:
Healthcare Organisational Risk Management
Infection Control Risk Assessment
Emergency Preparedness
Adverse Incident Reporting
Clinical Audit
Medication Errors
Morbidity-Mortality Investigations
Medical Equipment Maintenance
The workshops will be held at the COHSASA Head Office in Pinelands, Cape Town, usually for two-and-a-half days.
Cost: R3,000 (excl. VAT) per delegate for the Quality Improvement Workshop.
Delegates are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.