International events and exhibitions Master Class comes to Cape Town
The International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services (IFES) is bringing its annual Master Class to South Africa. The event will take place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) from 23 to 25 November 2016.
This is not the first time that Cape Town has hosted an IFES event: in 2013, the Mother City did the events industry proud by hosting the annual IFES World Summit, with 150 delegates from around the globe attending.
IFES was founded in 1984 to provide members of the exhibition and events industry with a global network, to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and international collaboration. Today, the Association has more than 250 members representing companies and federations from 36 countries and every continent.
The IFES Master Class is a fantastic opportunity for local industry professionals to network with international professionals, exchange ideas and generate industry knowledge. Local associations EXSA (Exhibition & Event Association of Southern Africa) and AAXO (Association of African Exhibition Organisers) are partnering with IFES for the event.
IFES Treasurer Justin Hawes is delighted that Cape Town will be hosting the Master Class: “It is wonderful to host IFES in our country again. It shows how significant the South African exhibition and events industry is on the global platform.”
This year’s IFES Master Class theme is ‘Translating Marketing Messages into Exhibitions and Events’. Speakers will define the topic, explain how to translate marketing messages into event messages, and address the impact of marketing strategy on exhibitions and events.
The programme will be jam-packed with insights from internationally recognised experts, best practice examples, interactive workshops and a variety of networking opportunities.
The IFES Master Class speaker line-up includes:
Eddie Choi, Executive Director of Milton Exhibits, Singapore
Stefan Ebling, Film Author & Director of s-quadrat, Germany
Klára Tihanyi, Exhibition Director at Hungexpo, Budapest
Hans de Wit, Owner, Architect and Brand Performer at WITDESIGN, Netherlands
Andrew Ross, Director of Chaos Theory, South Africa
Interactive workshops will be moderated by Karla Juegel, CEO of Messe-Management in Germany, focussing on ‘Different Perspectives of Marketing Content and Events’. The Master Class’ Best Practice segment will feature examples of the successful integration of marketing messages into exhibitions and events.
There will be fantastic opportunities for local delegates to build their international network. In addition to the tea and lunch breaks, there will be a Welcome Dinner at a stunning beachfront golf course, and a fun evening at The Grand Café and Beach in Granger Bay.
For more information or to register online visit Alternatively contact IFES’ Executive Director, Uta Goretzky, on +49 69 951 03 944 or gro.tensefi@atu, or local contact Sue Dudley, on +27 82 899 1653 or gro.tensefi@ssalcretsam.