Malani van Huyssteen
Van Huyssteen has worked in various roles in radio and her broadcast career spans over 23 years.
She spent a large part of her professional life at Primedia Broadcasting, where she started as a direct sales rep for radio before working her way up to head of sales for four radio stations.
Van Huyssteen joins East Coast Radio from Ultimate Media, where she was responsible for servicing key clients and media agencies as well as developing and implementing account strategies to grow a strong client base.
Van Huyssteen’s extensive radio sales knowledge includes overseeing various sales teams and portfolio managers, on-going coaching and mentoring, recruitment, training, and succession planning.
East Coast Radio’s managing director Boni Mchunu is looking forward to welcoming Malani as part of the highly performing regional sales force and her senior management team saying, “Malani has so much experience in the advertising industry and I couldn’t be more excited to welcome her to her new family at East Coast Radio. I look forward to seeing how she will elevate the East Coast Radio sales offering to our current and new advertisers.”
Van Huyssteen is passionate about the broadcasting industry and has big plans for the East Coast Radio team.
“My vision for the sales portfolio is to have a strong, bonded team of people who are passionate about their station, province and delivering meaningful results to marketers and businesses. And always, having a lot of fun along the way.”
Van Huyssteen adds that she is thrilled to be returning to her radio station roots.
“Radio is in my blood, and I am so excited about finding a home back in the crazy, fast paced, fun environment of a radio station. ECR is a formidable station that is a reflection of KZN - a playground for all the people of South Africa. The mountains, the sea, the people, the fun, the culture. I went to school in Pinetown for six years, and I'm looking forward to being back in the province.”