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Online qualification helps adult learners thrive in workplace training

Adult learners receiving occupational training at work often aren't properly equipped with the learning fundamentals they need to succeed. Communication in English and mathematical literacy are regular sticking points, and those who aren't sufficiently skilled in these areas are less likely to complete their workplace qualifications and further their careers.
Online qualification helps adult learners thrive in workplace training

The Foundational Learning Competence (FLC) qualification seeks to address this. By providing adult learners with critical foundational knowledge, FLC bridges an important gap.

“The FLC helps to ensure that employees are able to cope with further learning,” says Jackie Carroll, the co-founder of Media Works, South Africa’s leading adult education and training company. “It provides them with essential skills – skills that, importantly, are completely portable. No matter what sector, job or position a learner holds, they will be able to transfer these fundamentals to other sectors, jobs and positions in the future.”

Online qualification helps adult learners thrive in workplace training

On 24 March 2021, Media Works launched its online FLC material at a virtual event. Specifically targeting technical and vocational education and training colleges, Sector Education and Training Authorities, and state-owned and private enterprises, the event explored how FLC fits into vocational learning and what advantages it provides.

“We were proud to be one of the first providers to offer FLC material to the market, and are delighted to be the first to make it available online," adds Carroll.

The FLC is a partial requirement for learning conducted at NQF level 2, and a compulsory requirement for learning conducted at NQF levels 3 and 4. It carries 40 credits in total. While the communications component of the programme focuses on developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, the mathematical component helps learners to respond to and apply mathematical concepts.

“Learners should complete the FLC before they embark on occupational learning programmes,” Carroll adds. “With the FLC in hand, they’ll be better able to handle the demands of these programmes and, more generally, the requirements of their working environments.”

Media Works, part of Optimi Workplace, is South Africa’s leading provider of adult education and training for 25 years. Visit to find out more about FLC.

20 Apr 2021 11:37
