CEO of Cohsasa, Jacqui Stewart, hands over the four-year accreditation certificate to Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt general manager, Theresa Wilson (right), as senior staff of the hospital look on.
Receiving the certificate, hospital general manager, Theresa Wilson (who has been at the helm for the past 11 years) said that the hospital benefitted from an external audit by Cohsasa because it kept systems robust and provided an objective alert to issues that needed to be improved.
CEO of Cohsasa, Jacqui Stewart, said that she had requested to present the certificate in person to acknowledge the hard work of frontline staff at Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt during the Covid-19 pandemic, which had tested everyone to the limit.
“It was such a difficult time for everybody. This accreditation certificate acknowledges everything you did during the pandemic and everything you continue to do for every patient that attends the hospital. I think many people do not appreciate what the healthcare workforce went through – the nursing staff, the administration team, the cleaners – everybody. Your perseverance under great stress, is a great tribute to you all. Cohsasa wants to acknowledge your commitment to quality. The fact that this is your seventh accreditation tells me that quality improvement is deeply embedded in your daily activities. It’s not just a tick-box exercise for Cohsasa surveyors but operational habit. Well done to your whole team!” she said.
Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt will be a candidate for the proposed new Platinum Award from Cohsasa. This will be for facilities that received at least two four-year accreditation awards, which have an environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework to assess business practices and performance on various sustainability and ethical issues and which focus on the patient journey.
Congratulations to all at Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt!